Born in 1971 in Le Havre (France)Anne©Kaki

Lives and works in Paris (France)





" Himalaya ", 20 poems (Encres Vives editions)

Paintings & Poetry published in 3 literary magazines PEN International, Anthologie Permanente, Fenêtre sur Poésie (Ecrivains de Bretagne)

" BLANC, Latescent ", adult creative workshop with Fondation ArtExplora, Hôpital Jean Jaurès, Paris 19è



" Outsider Agora ", Liebenwalde, Germany (curators : Florence Obrecht and Axel Pahlavi)
" First Moment", kids creative workshop with Fondation ArtExplora, Hôpital Pitié Salpêtrière, Paris 13è

 " Rouge, Sang, La vie ", adult creative workshop with Fondation ArtExplora, Hôpital Jean Jaurès, Paris 19è



" La terre est notre seule maison ", Solo exhibition, Hôpital Vaugirard APHP, Paris

" Essential ", Solo exhibition, Hôpital Corentin-Celton APHP, Issy-les-Moulineaux

 Online auction Singulart - The Bradery



" Doux Dingues ! ", Solo exhibition, Librairie du Rond Point des Champs Elysées, Paris 



" Paysages - Pays sages", 100ecs, Paris (curator : Nathalie de La Grandville)

#SoutiensUnArtiste, Online auction sales to the benefit of Artension-Fondation Taylor support Fund

"Hearts & Souls", 2010-2020 - Solo exhibition - APHP Hospital, Paris

#Lesamisdesartistes, Online sales to the benefit of National Museum of Women Association (NMWA), Washington, DC



"Oceans", Solo exhibition - Guest artist, Colloque de Collioure

"Artworks, from the 50's until today", Les Yeux Fertiles Gallery, Paris


ParisDDessin, Paris Contemporary Drawing Fair, Polysémie Gallery
"A weekend break", Polysémie Gallery, Paris


"Indians", Outsider Art fair Paris 2017, Galerie Hervé Courtaigne
XIth International Contemporary Art Biennale, Florence (Italy)
"Temptations", Galerie Antonine Catzéflis, Paris


Guest Artist at SalesForce France Kick Off, Paris, France
« A poet journey in Mediterranean », Galerie Le Ruban Vert, Aix-en-Provence, France


Galerie Claire Corcia, « Trio Show », Paris, France
Art Drawing Fair, Galerie de la Presidence, Palais Brongniart, Paris, France              



Support & References

Michel Houellebecq, Vénus Khoury-Ghata, Gérard Garouste, Christian Bobin, Jakob Lena Knebl, Antoine de Galbert, Florence Obrecht, Jean-Michel Ribes, Franck Prazan, Barthélémy Toguo, Yanitza Djuric




" I enjoy so much your celtic paintings! It is totally unexpected. There is mysticim. This "Samain" rips your heart out. I do like this light and Avalon stones. You are a very good colorist. You are a poet also. I read your poems. It is young and modern, some could like them ". Vénus Khoury-Ghata, 2024 (poet, forever painters friend)

" Your recent celtic paintings are bewitching. Are you a celtic fairy ?". Nicole Gdalia, 2024 (Editions Carctères Director)

" I enjoy the lightness of your poetry, your travelling wonderment, your geography. You know how to capture little things and to save life moments. Your approach is sensitive and sensory without any affectation. We feel the sharpness of your eye painter. Your writing is mastered, I do like your vertical writing like a calligraphy in the page. Go ahead !" Bruno Doucey, 2023 (Poet and Publisher)

« Your painting Patrick Dewaëre is wonderful, I love your creative world ». Alexandre Moix, 2023 (director of  « Patrick Dewaëre, mon héros" documentary)

" Dérives" - "Drifts" is a beautiful title and for sure your poetry could find a place in today's poetic panorama". Sophie Nauleau, 2022 (Le Printemps des Poètes Art Director)

" Your drawings tell very old and odd stories. Characters are indeed real but nevertheless out of reach. They belong to your dreamy fantasy and it is wondeful because we could tap it of a finger". Nicole Bertolt, 2021 (Representative Boris Vian beneficiaries)

" I am very touched by your ability to transform inuit issues and shapes like ivory tupilaq or Ululaq Judas heads. Your two amerindian series show some visions and prove that you are a cameleon in each culture you are imbued with. Most artists assert their talent in a specific "signature" that allows to recognize their work  at first glance. Your signature is your amazing ability to imbue empathically with each culture and each time. Your talent would deserve to be exhibited in the MASC". Patrick Cady, 2021 (Museum of Outsider Contemporary Art, Quebec)

"Your very beautiful bic drawings remind me a little Victor Brauner's because of their body metamorphosis and their shamanic and magical similarities. Closest to the world origin". Joëlle Moulin, 2021 (Art Historian)

" I was very impressed by your "Jobs" painting serie. A bloated topic painted very freely and personal ! I like the link between the graphite parts and the colored ones and also the intensity of the oil. We can not classify your artwork in one category : You have the strength of Outsider artists without being one in particular. You are a very singular painter and in front of your creations, one must simply dive into it ! I want to encourage you to do what you have to do ! " Florence Obrecht, 2021 (Painter, Berlin)

" From the 50's french abstraction to the primitivist realism of Anne Lemaître, there is only one step. Her artwork includes memory strengths, human hopes and visual quality". Franck Prazan, 2021 (Art dealer, Applicat-Prazan Gallery)

" I like your work - wonderful and very special ! So nice you had an exhibition at the same time as me and very close to my gallery (Loevenbruck) in Paris !". Jakob Lena Knebl, 2020 (Austrian visual artist, Lyon Biennale) 

"Thank you for the photo of your painting "The poet, the fawn and the child". It is beautiful to make the poet and child bodies translucent and to paint heart as tree's fruit. Life happens and we can't see anything. Then sudden we see everything." Christian Bobin, 2020
" Congratulations for your work, it is personal and sincere, the most precious thing for art." Alex Cerveny, 2019 (Brasilian painter, "Nous les arbres", Fondation Cartier)
" I was really happy to meet you at your opening and I did enjoy your drawings. I wish you to keep on cheerfully (your path is already signposted) and to live intense creation moments".  Christine Sefolosha, 2018

"Contemporary art is large : artists are getting chaotic and then it is difficult to identify an authentic artwork lost in the artmarket place today...Some artists resist  the official sytem and have only one ambition : go through their own intuition. Anne Lemaître catches us with her wild determination to go through her own desire : her recent serie of landscapes (oil paintings & gouaches) rejoices us because it is a component of both classical landscape tradition and art contemporary". Gérard Garouste, 2018

"Beautiful and sincere artwork, creativity can't fake". Philippe Brenot, 2018

"I look at theses faces where yours is finding itself and maybe gets away from it. Indians : an inner tribe where each member keeps audience's distance through worried severity. You probably know Henri Michaux two essays dealing about drawings made by children or insane people.... I love these writings and I sometimes think about them at looking at your work : none for their subjects but for their tone." Christian Bobin, Author, 2017

"Art criticism is based on two points : the artist's meeting and the artwork's meeting. Sometimes you can be surprised by some routes and striking personalities. It was the case in meeting Anne Lemaître, a very demanding artist. Each Indian drawing is an enigma : it reveals a very singular poetry where anthropology is coping with a violently and supernatural onirism. Her paintings are full of dream (she is a tremendous artist focused on details). Cat women, mischievous monsters, singular piètas, precious landscapes....You will see all this in Anne Lemaître's artwork. And even more because : "Dream is another life" (S.Freud)." Yanitza Djuric, Art critic, 2017

"Anne Lemaître's marvellous and virtuosic drawings drive us in a space of energy, sensuality, and dreams. She lets us move into the future- in a world of beauty and science-fiction. You just have to hang on, so her creations will take you there … " Pierre Cornette de Saint Cyr, Art collector, 2016

"I looked your creations very carefully and did really enjoy its very honest and strange side; it is an uncompromising work, which is very rare in contemporary art today." Davor Vrankic, Artist, 2016

"I enjoyed your creative, dreamy and cheerful works." Jean-Michel Ribes, Theater Director, 2016

"You mailed me about 50 pictures of your works since 2010 and I have always been amazed and  impressed. What you do is talented. Strange too. I sincerely  wish you to continue on this path." Michel Houellebecq, Author, 2015

"All your paintings seem to be linked to a same story but at the same time this story disapears when you wish to make it clear. There is a contradiction between the precision of your graphic details and the enigma of the picture. I enjoy your inspiration and most your intuition. Time is on your side." Gérard Garouste, Painter, 2015

"Your drawings are mysterious and tormented. They reveal a real depth. I saw  some shadows and chasms . Vertigos. A space of hallucinations. But, at the same time, something very feminine. Maybe because of the childhood (very present in your work). There is some tenderness in your nightmares." Dominique Bona, Author, 2012

"Your creation is sincerely singular and personal, inspired by  surrealist culture and an inconscious world ." Antoine de Galbert, Art Collector, 2011

"The colorful drawings from your series « Couples » are well done. Each brings its own message. Your graphic abilities are solid. Being inspired by the real life, here is the pure goal of art. The more you will be inspired by our society, the more humans will be touched by your work. I wish you to move on and to produce a lot to put on an exhibition ." Barthélémy Toguo, Artist, 2011





Meets the American artist Kiki Smith (Monnaie de Paris) who looks her works and congratulates
Supported by the Austrian artist Jakob Lena Knebl (galerie Loevenbruck) and the Brasilian painter Alex Cerveny ("Nous les Arbres", Fondation Cartier)


Meets the painter Christine Sefolosha
Supported by the artist Catherine Lopès-Curval


Encouragements from the french author Christian Bobin
Supported by the Art critic Fabrice Bousteau and Jean de Loisy


Meets the author Annie Ernaux
Encouragements from the Art Dealer Pierre Cornette de Saint Cyr and the Theatre Director Jean-Michel Ribes


Meets the most popular french author Michel Houellebecq


The french painter Gérard Garouste (met during a Georges Pompidou conference) encourages her to learn the technique of oil painting


Meet David Lynch in ITEM Editions Workshop during his lithographic work


Ateliers des Beaux Arts de Paris (drawing &  painting class)
Copy of ancient drawings in the Louvre Museum (Department of Prints and Drawings)
Drawings of the permanent collection and lectures in Musée du Quai Branly



Sketchbooks (since 2007)

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